Kaye’s Tomato Paste 48 large tomatoes.... chopped 4 red capsicum….seeded and chopped 4 bay leaves 2 tblspn salt 8 cloves garlic…crushed ¼ cup raw sugar. Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan and cook slowly over low heat for 1 hour. Press tomato mixture through a mouli grater ( so that skin can be discarded) Return mixture to pan and simmer over a very low heat until mixture is thick enough to round up on a tablespoon….. This could take up to 2 hours….Stir frequently. Pour hot mixture into sterilized jars …when cool store in fridge. * If you don’t have a mouli, just skin, peel and core tomatoes and press through a fine sieve instead, then return to pan to simmer. * This amount makes around 10 jam jars. * I sterilize jars in 180o oven for 10 minutes and scald lids with boiling water. * Fresh basil is a tasty addition Bon Appetit !!