Kaye’s Xmas Pudding (This recipe makes 3 puddings) 9 eggs 1tspn carb soda 1lb butter juice of 1 lemon and 1 orange 1lb brown sugar ½ bottle almond essence 2kgs mixed fruit ¼ cup rum ( or more if desired !!!! ) ½ lb dates ¼ cup brandy ( or more again !!!!) ½ lb raisins ¼ lb slivered almonds Soak fruit for 3-4 days in essence and spirits. ¼ lb plain flour Mix all together and place in pudding cloth 1tspn cinnamon (usually ¾ metre is enough for each one) 2tspn mixed spice Boil for 3-4 hours. Pudding mixture can be placed in gladwrap first if required, as this prevents it sticking to cloth, but I find if you ‘flour’ the cloth adequately it won’t stick. Boil for another hour prior to serving BON APPETIT!!!!